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Privacy Policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to describe how we treat the data that we collect and hold from members, job seekers and recruiters in keeping with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

By visiting this site, and creating a profile, you accept and consent to your data being handled as outlined in this policy.

Job Seekers – Defined as any individual using this website to seek employment.

Recruiter – Any business using this website to find candidates for employment.

Members – Defined as Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority professionals who join the network via the ‘Join Our Community’ form.


In order to join the Be Inclusive community we may collect the following information:

Name, Contact Details, Email Address, DOB, Occupation, Employer, Location, Gender and Ethnicity.

Job Seeker Profile

In order to create a job seeker account, we may collect the following information:

Name, Email Address, Telephone Number, Ethnicity, Gender, DOB, Location, Work Experience and Education.

All job applications submitted via the Be Inclusive Hospitality website will be sent directly to the recruiting business and are not viewed by Be Inclusive Hospitality. We therefore accept no responsibility for liability for the contents of the CV’s, and expect recruiters to conduct the appropriate due diligence on applications received.

When you apply for a job on the site, your profile details will be sent directly to the employer, or a designated third party.


The following information will be collected in order to post a job ad:

Job Title, Location, Job Type (full, part, temp), Job Description, Salary, Application URL or receiving email address, Company name, Website and Logo.

We collect your data in order to, create and process your employer profile and job listings only.


All payments must to be made in advance of job listing going live on the jobs board. Prices are as specified on the Be Inclusive Hospitality Jobs Board.

Jobs will remain live on the jobs board for 30 days, unless otherwise agreed.

All payments are to be made via BACs or PayPal; all details provided upon request.

Data Collection:

We collect and process data when you:

  • Register online or apply for a job
  • Join the Be Inclusive Hospitality community
  • Register to attend an event or workshop
  • Complete a survey or provide us with feedback
  • Use our website via your browser’s cookies

Data Use:

  • To process your profile creation
  • To process your job application form
  • To manage your account
  • To create newsletter/social media content (Members only)
  • To inform future business activities and initiatives

Data Storage:

For all data collected we will:

  • Ensure that your data is kept safe, securely and private
  • We will not share your data with any third-party organisation without your consent
  • Give you the option to review your marketing choices

Access to data:

The following will have access to your data only:

  • Employees of Be Inclusive Hospitality, who are involved in issuing communications
  • Third-party contractors of Be Inclusive Hospitality such as newsletter/marketing services

Any third-party contractor will be vetted to ensure that they are fully adherent to GDPR.

Your rights:

If you wish to access, rectify, erase or restrict the use of your data, you can do so by sending a request to

Cookie Policy

By accessing Be Inclusive Hospitality’s website, you are agreeing to the terms of our privacy policy.  Be Inclusive Hospitality is committed to protect your personal information when you use our website. At all times we ensure that your privacy is respected and protected.

Cookies are small files with a function of understanding the behaviours of individual whilst online using websites and mobile applications.  They serve the purpose of improving your navigation, and will not identify you personally.

Third party cookies can be set by services that appear on our website, and are controlled by operators of that service and not in Be Inclusive Hospitality’s control. Examples of this are LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media operators. Be Inclusive Hospitality therefore cannot accept liability with regards to this.

Be Inclusive Hospitality does use Google Analytics, a web analytic services provided by Google to help us to analyse how and when our users interact with our website. This service provides general information about user behaviours, and will not identify you personally. If you wish to understand more about this please visit

By using our website, Be Inclusive Hospitality understand you to have given us ‘implied consent’ for the use of cookies. Should you disagree with this consent, it is possible to stop your browser accepting cookies. However, if you do disable cookies, it will impact some of the website features and experience. This setting can usually be found in Options or Preferences in your web browser.

If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please email us at or click ‘unsubscribe’ on the footer of our newsletter.

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