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Shivi Ramoutar


Website: Shivi Ramoutar

Total years spent working within the industry?
Close to 8 years.

How did you get into Hospitality?
At a time of struggling and feeling despondent in a career in the City, I found myself turning towards the food I grew up with, the comforting Caribbean flavours that mum and dad made for us, regardless of which country we were in ( we moved from Trinidad to NYC to the UK). Off the back of me making this food more and more, I set up a supper club with a friend and realised that I wanted to make this comfort and passion into a career.

What do you most enjoy about this industry?
I love the creativity and the freedom that this industry allows. It has led to me finding out so much about myself, pushing me, challenging me, mixing the cultures I have been brought up in, and allowing me to showcase and be proud of my background and all the flavours in it.

What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day involves balancing life as a mum of two young children, with recipe testing and writing, with always a couple of ongoing projects in the mix too.

Three dinner guests – who would they be?
Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou, and my Pa’s Father.

The last book read, or documentary watched?
I watched ‘Becoming - Michelle Obama’ on Netflix, she is such an inspiration to me.

Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is….
The future in hospitality is bright.

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