Previous employers:
Wagamama, Prezzo, Vue Cinemas
Total number of years spent within Hospitality?
6 years.
What do you most enjoy about this industry?
I love that the people you work with are so humble. The operations teams are diverse, come from many countries and are very hard working.
What does a typical day look like for you?
My day usually starts on emails, I take a look at my inbox, and there could be a variety of things to pick, such as a grievance, a query from staff member, right to work checks, theft or aggressive behaviour. It is very unpredictable and very much a reactive role.
Tell us something we might not know about the sector?
Hospitality is not as diverse as it looks, it is more so within the restaurants, but within head office it is not.
What has been the single most important piece of advice given to you?
Be confident, and be myself. I have often found myself in a work place where I have to dial down my personality, and become a bit robotic in character, and that is not who I am. I have had to find a work place that fits my personality, as opposed to try and fit in.
Three dinner guests of your choice?
Barrack Obama, Issa Rae, Donald Trump.
Last documentary watched and book read?
The last book was ‘Children of Virtue and Vengeance’ by Tomi Adeyemi
Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is……