Website:Bekes Caterers
Total number of years spent within Hospitality?
12 years
What do you most enjoy about this industry?
Being able to meet and serve different types of people, and making a real impact.
Tell us something we might not know about your field/sector?
That in order to serve the hotel sector, you need to undergo a kitchen audit, which if passed will be followed by an accreditation, allowing you to serve their businesses.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical event day involves me taking receipt of goods delivered, working through my standard operating procedures, taking phone calls, and working with the team to execute the event.
What has been the single most important piece of advice given to you?
Be warm towards people, ultimately how you treat others is how they are likely to treat you.
Three dinner guests of your choice?
Theresa May, Lorraine Pascale, and Ainsley Harriot.
Last documentary watched and book read?
The last book was 'The Heart of Hospitality' by Micah Solomon, and I am currently watching Chef’s Table on Netflix.
Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is……