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Charlene Richards

Head of Commerical Sales

Employer: Puttshack

Total years spent working within the industry?
I think about 8 years in total

What do you most enjoy about this industry?
Prior to becoming a Manager I absolutely loved working with people. I really enjoyed the hustle and bustle of putting together, an event from moving furniture to clearing the empty glasses and bottles and taking the burden of making sure the event was successful away from the organiser. Once I went into management level, I would have to say the development of staff. I love the feeling of seeing the potential in particular staff members and helping them achieve it and the whole journey of that process.

What does a typical day look like for you?
My day usually starts with reporting, I then structure the day and the week for my team. I tend to have meetings on a daily basis but a lot of my time is spent putting together training or development plans for the team or for the business, and every so often I get to have food tasting for the new menus. It’s a hard life lol.

Tell us something we might not know about your field/sector?
The industry is now expanding to meet the demand of guests who require more than just good food and alcohol for their social experiences. The requirement for some form of entertainment means the hospitality sector is now having to evolve to satisfy the needs of their guests with anything from live music acts, to murder mystery nights, to ping pong
tables and crazy golf.

The single most important piece of advice given to you?
Always keep your composure.

Three dinner guests - who would they be?
Michelle Obama, Beyonce and Rihanna- all for 3 completely different reasons. Michelle because I want to know what it’s like to be the woman behind or beside a great man and how she balances being a strong woman whilst letting him lead. Beyonce on where she finds the strength each day to do all she does, be a mother and a wife and keep her private life private. Rihanna on how she stays authentically her, whilst building an empire in a world that wasn’t necessarily designed for her.

The last book you read or documentary watched?
Currently, I'm reading a book by Kate Murphy called 'You’re Not Listening' which is quite interesting from a sociological point.

Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is… 

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