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Charlene Gorry

Recruitment Officer

Employer: Intercontinental Park Lane Hotel

Total years spent working within the industry?
12 years.

What do you most enjoy about this industry?
I most enjoy the people, meeting lots of different people, from different backgrounds, and we have about 60 different nationalities within hotels, and that is what has kept me within the industry. I am always meeting new people, and no two days are the same, it is ever changing and keeps you on your feet.

What does a typical day look like for you?
I would get in probably about 8am, check my emails, respond back to candidates, and other emails. Usually I have team morning meeting at 9am, and from there, interviews with candidates, either face to face or skype, meeting with managers, about their vacancies, putting out job descriptions, advertising and whatever else comes up in the day. Usually finish about 6.30pm, and so long days.

Tell us something we might not know about your field/sector?
I would say, it’s harder than people think. Hospitality can appear glamorous or easy, some people underestimate how much hard work it is, the unsociable hours, and the pay. In my role within another sector, I would probably be paid 10k more, but I do it because I love the industry.

Single most important piece of advice given to you?
From a recruitment perspective, was to treat the business as if it is your own, so if it was your own business, would you recruit this person? Someone told me that, and it has always steered me in the right direction when recruiting.

Three dinner guests of your choice?
Trevor Noah, Michelle Obama, Idris Elba.

Last book you read, or documentary watched?
The documentary was ‘Heal’ on Netflix, which was about our bodies capability to heal itself from disease, and I am currently middle of reading Trevor Noah book ‘Born a Crime’.

Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is……
Always growing and everchanging.


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