Employer: Flemings Mayfair - Ormer Restaurant
Total years spent working within the industry?
16 years
What do you most enjoy about this industry?
The freedom to explore creative processes, definitely! There is just something about witnessing a guest enjoying your culinary gestures, through food on a plate, in addition that, our menus tend to change frequently, so it always keeps me on my toes.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I oversee Ormer kitchen team and create menu’s for the restaurant. I am usually the first one to arrive in the kitchen, usually for 7:15am, and then I say good morning to all of my arriving chefs. I start fish and meat prep at around 7.40am, and then at 8:45am, move onto the other sections. This is closely followed by entering invoices around 10am, and kitchen clean down at 10:30am. After this, I taste testers of sauce, purees, foams, gels etc, from each section, which needs to be approved by 11:45am. We are then set for the restaurants opening its doors at 12 noon, and during the afternoon I spend my time testing out new ideas.
Single most important piece of advice given to you?
Was “Kerth, you have anger and rage, which is a form of pure energy, however you must find a way to use it to your advantage, and not let it take you down”.
Big break, or career defining moment?
The most defining moment of my career so far was my participation in the Great British Menu 2020! Its something I had always wanted to do, and I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity, to test myself amongst some of the best chefs in the country.
Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is…….
One that will continue to evolve, stripping away rigid formalities, dress codes, and table cloth settings, food and wines paired with memorable service. The industry will continue to entice and enhance diners’ experiences, while allowing this to be accessible by a broader audience.