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Be an Ambassador

Help us to drive change by becoming a Be Inclusive Hospitality ambassador

  • Do you have experience within Hospitality, Food and Drink?
  • Are you passionate about accelerating race equity and equality?
  • Do you have experience and ideas that you are keen to share?

If you’ve answered yes to all of the above, then you are exactly who we want to connect with and invite you to become a Be Inclusive ambassadorThere is complete flexibility and you can contribute as much or as little spare time as you have

We welcome Ambassadors from all backgrounds and all career levels

Simply complete the short form below, and register interest TODAY!

What’s Involved?

  • Be a part of our community – Make a flexible contribution towards helping us to achieve our mission
  • Be Vigorous –  Champion Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within the hospitality, food and drinks sector
  • Be Vocal – Spread the word of our work, initiatives and research
  • Be Active – Take part in our initiatives, events and content creation
  • Be a part of the change – Help us to make a difference
  • Be Visible – Add ‘Be Inclusive Hospitality Ambassador’ to your title online and social media channels

    Ambassador Interest Form

    Please fill in the form below.

    Contact Details

    Employment Details

    Type of Organisation

    Area of Expertise

    We we would love to know what your skill set is, and how you might be able to support us as an Ambassador

    Areas you are willing to support us on

    If you have an idea on how you could help, that is not listed below, please click other and share your thoughts

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