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Elainea Emmott

Chef, Photographer

Website: Elainea Emmott Photography

Total years spent working within the industry?
3 years.

How did you get into Hospitality?
Through my food photography, and my first job was as a sous chef. I had only been made aware of the possible career paths within this sector by being on a television show.  A chef had commented that he wanted someone like me to work in his restaurant on recipe development, up until that point I had no idea that the job existed.

What do you most enjoy about this industry?
I love the creativity and culinary techniques. There is also always something new to learn.

What does a typical day look like for you?
I usually start very early start, and my day is usually a combination of tasks including emails,  preparation work, writing, recipe development and food photography.

The single most important piece of advice given to you?
Never Give up, persevere and you will achieve your goals.

Three dinner guests - who would they be?
James Baldwin, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X.

The last book you read or documentary watched?
Summer Kitchens by Olia Hercules.

Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is...
Inclusive, diverse and female.

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