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Nathan Brown

Maitre D

Employer: Annabel's - Private Members Club

Total number of years spent within Hospitality?
20 years

What do you most enjoy about this industry?
Meeting people from all over the world, make long term relationships. Every walk of life across all industries need to eat, and so it is a real melting pot.

Tell us something we might not know about your field/sector?
In the UK hospitality industry is the 3rd largest employer employing 3.2 million people and contributing in excess of 70 Billion to the UK economy. It is often described as a unskilled industry, and that is far from the case.

What has been the single most important piece of advice given to you?
Learn to work smart, not harder in order to progress my career.

Three dinner guests of your choice?
Will Smith, Barrack Obama, and Beyoncé

Last documentary watched and book read?
The last book was 'Rich dad poor dad' by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

Finish the sentence, the future in hospitality is……
Is in great hands, going from strength to strength. So many great concepts coming into the UK, and worldwide.


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